Leslie’s making a comeback

We made a post about Leslie once in the past, but he was MIA for a couple of years up until yesterday. He said that he had disappeared because he quit drinking, which makes sense, because his speech is always slurred whenever he calls. His goal is now still the same as it always was, which is to be our #1 loser. Well, he has a lot of catching up to do! He has seen our blog and he knows what he is competing with. Here’s what we had him do last night…

We had him get naked and masturbate in his outdoor trash can (like old times).
We had him write something about being a loser on himself… I forget exactly what and it isn’t entirely visible.
We told him to smear peanut butter on his face and stick strips of toilet paper to it – he clearly didn’t use enough PB, though. Fail.
Next assignment was to stick a vegetable in his asshole and then eat it.

We had him do a couple of other things like piss into a cup and pour it on himself, but unfortunately he sent them in a weird file format, so we’re going to have him do those tasks over again so we can put them on here.

Added on 10/20: